Fundación Euroamerica

La Fundación Euroamérica es una organización para fomentar las relaciones entre Europa y América

Solange Maria Pinto Ribeiro


Solange Maria PINTO RIBEIRO 

Deputy CEO  Neoenergia. Vice Chair United Nations Global Compact


Solange Ribeiro is Deputy CEO of Neoenergia. From 2012 to 2017, she was the CEO of Neoenergia, which she has joined in 2004 as the Executive Director for Regulatory and Environment. Mrs. Ribeiro is a member of the Board of Directors of several companies of the Neoenergia Group.

Mrs. Ribeiro is Vice-Chair of the Board of the UN Global Compact; Vice-Chair of the Board of the National System Operator; Vice-Chair of the Board of the Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Basic Industries; and a member of the board of the Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Distributors.

Mrs. Ribeiro is a member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development; member of the Advisory Board of Institute E+ Energy Transition; and a member of the Governance of the Together for Sustainable Development Program; a member of the Brazilian Symphonic Orchestra's Board of Trustees. She was a member of the Economic and Social Development Council.

With over 35 years of experience, Mrs. Ribeiro has deep knowledge of the electricity sector and diversified professional experiences that combine tactical-operational and strategic aspects. She has built a career in the sector having held high leadership positions in large companies such as AES Eletropaulo and Chesf. In addition, Mrs. Ribeiro has worked as a consultant for National Economic Research Associates – NERA, in Washington, DC.

She is engaged with different multisectoral coalitions acting actively towards a more sustainable and inclusive agenda, which includes accelerating the climate ambition through energy transition.

Mrs. Ribeiro holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco, and a Master’s Degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. She was also an academic researcher at the “Center of Environmental Technology” at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London.
